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Taichung City Cultural Center – International Competition

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Taichung City Cultural Center – International Competition
Drukować 2013-04-16 22:26  

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Data końca rejestracji: 27/05/2013
Termin składania prac: 27/05/2013
Data zakończenia: 30/05/2013
Miasto: Taichung
Kraj: Tajwan

The vision for the development of Taichung is "Cosmopolitan Taichung"-a city with strong cultural, economic and international characteristics.

To distinguish herself from Taipei and Kaohsiung, the third biggest city in Taiwan has placed arts and culture at the core of her urban identity. "Culture", also a key contributor to the city's economy and international presence, has been identified as the most important trait of Taichung.

To bolster Taichung's cultural industry after the merger of Taichung City and Taichung County, Taichung City Government is planning a new cultural park in the Gateway City district. Taichung City Cultural Center, as it is called, will comprise a public library and fine arts museum. The facility will help the city adapt to post-merger changes in population, urban development and cultural environment.

A facility satisfying the cultural, artistic and recreational needs of Taichung's residents will furtherpropel the cultural industry, link tourism and city marketing resources and enhance the city's cultural brand.

Taichung City Cultural Center combines a public library and municipal fine arts museum-the cultural flagships of a city-into one area, synergizing art, education and recreation in one location. Besides serving the public functions of reader service, exhibition and guided tour, the two institutions must also each fulfill policies and objectives related to reading promotion, artistic development and collection and research of artifacts. They will be tasked with integrating the resources of Taichung's branch libraries and art exhibition spaces, with an eye to augment the city's cultural services and facilities.

Overall Design Objectives:

A. Local Identity:

The Center, a showcase of Greater Taichung's distinct cultural ambience, will exemplify her intelligent residents, history and urban identity.

B. Cultural Landmark:

The architecture of the Center will become a piece of art in itself and demonstrate Taichung's creativity, aesthetics and cultural sophistication. With cutting-edge and trend-setting construction technology, it will become a landmark residents can appreciate and identify with both from up close and afar, attracting local as well as international visitors.

C. Ecological Benchmark:

The center will be planned and designed in conjunction with the landscape of Taichung Gateway District. Integrating abundant greenery, its will become a model green building project. The emphasis will be on comfort, ecology, landscape, carbon reduction and disaster mitigation, as well as meeting the carbon emission target of the surrounding Taichung Gateway Park.



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