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Epaus Competition - public space for urban art and sound

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Epaus Competition - public space for urban art and sound
Drukować 2013-04-15 22:13  

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Data końca rejestracji: 30/04/2013
Termin składania prac: 07/05/2013
OPENGAP organizes this open ideas competition seeking for innovative, cutting-edge, contemporary, proposals for a new kind of public space that hosts activities related to street art, fostering a climate of creation, education and relationship of users with street art.

Participants are invited to conceive a space that gives urban culture an alternative where to merge the public use with a space of artistic expression and learning; to work on a proposal to brake old established paradigms about street art.

Each contestant or team will be able to choose the urban context in which to locate their project. However, the proposal will have to justify the choice of location, as well as to explain the way in which the site and the project will interact, creating synergies with the surrounding urban environment.

This competition is open to all architects, designers, architecture students and to people around the world interested in the topic. Competitors could subscribe individually or as a team of maximum of 5 people.

The proposal submission consists of two digital panels in .jpg format, not bigger than 4MB each.

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