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Centro Cultural Chapultepec - international competition

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Centro Cultural Chapultepec - international competition
Drukować 2013-03-20 22:09  

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Data końca rejestracji: 20/04/2013
Termin składania prac: 26/04/2013
Data zakończenia: 13/05/2013
Miasto: Meksyk
Kraj: Meksyk
The urbanization of the area where the project site is located and in particular Chapultepec Avenue, was made during the first decade of the twentieth century.

The competition Centro Cultural Chapultepec is open to all students and practitioners of architecture, interior design, urban planning, etc..
Even though this is an international idea contest, the first prize winner will be promoted to local authorities, cultural foundations and investors in order to execute the construction of the project.

This project may be subject to minor adjustments and modifications if necessary, so the participant will be flexible to accept such adjustments and modifications.

This process of management doesn't legally compromise or obligates Consorcio Arquitectura y Concursos, S.C. neither to governmental entity type nor to company nor group investors to execute the construction of the 1st prize winner's project.

In case that the managements are successful and only if it is required, Consorcio Arquitectura y Concursos S.C. will be able to be associated with the author or authors of the winning project.

Competition launch: January 21st. 2013
Early registration: through February 22th. 2013
Late registration: through April 20th. 2013
Registration deadline: April 20th. 2013
Answering of quieries: through April 20th. 2013
Submission deadline: April 26th. 2013
Jury deliberation: through May 10th. 2013
Winners announced: May 13th. 2013

Convocatoria-Brief.pdf 618,04 kB



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