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Camelot Research and Visitors Center COMPETITION

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Camelot Research and Visitors Center COMPETITION
Drukować 2013-02-25 10:43  

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Data końca rejestracji: 15/04/2013
Termin składania prac: 30/04/2013
Kraj: Wielka Brytania

For this competition, you are being asked to build a top-of-the-line research and amusement center in South Cadbury, England, on the very same spot that once was home to Camelot.

This center will be both an exciting tourist attraction and the most functional medieval literature research facility in the world. Although the legend of King Arthur is at the forefront of the Camelot Center, the museum will also be home to thousands of other books and antiques that preserve and celebrate all the great literature from Medieval Europe.

South Cadbury is like most towns in rural England. It is filled with hardworking farmers and merchants, stony gates and ruins, muddy knolls, and even the occasional pub here and there for locals to kick their feet up in. It is a quiet, humble town that just happens to be the birthplace of a legend.
On the outskirts of the town, there is a plain-looking hill with a flattened peak; this, according to legend, is where the mystical castle of Camelot once stood.

The Camelot Center will need to be equipped to house books and other antiquities that may be over a thousand years old. It will be part research center, part museum, and part family fun center. It will have to incorporate the researchers' needs to do their work, while also operating as an exciting, interactive museum where families and their children can spend their vacations.

With South Cadbury being less than an hour's drive from Bristol, and less than a two and a half hours' drive from both London and Cardiff, there will be plenty of opportunity to draw in tourists; since Bristol is extremely close, the Camelot Center will even become the perfect "day trip" destination, a place where families can spend a single day, enjoying their lunch and the excitement of the center while still being able to get back home (or to their big city hotel) before dark.

The Camelot Center building will be an iconic image that future generations will forever tie to the legend of King Arthur. Will the building be an homage to the history of Camelot, or will it be something completely modern? Those are decisions for you to make.

Camelot is yours. Now go and build it. -



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