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Arcology Skyscraper

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Arcology Skyscraper
Drukować 2013-01-21 22:09  

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Data końca rejestracji: 15/04/2013
Termin składania prac: 15/04/2013
Data zakończenia: 03/05/2013
Miasto: Hong Kong
Kraj: Chiny

The program challenges participants to design a NEW Arcology Skyscraper in Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong, China. The design should create a new iconic Arcology skyscraper in the city.


Design programs should include the following spaces:

Residential (Living Spaces)
Commercial (Working and Retail Spaces)
Agricultural (Food Growing, Production and Distribution Spaces)
Social / Recreational (Relaxation and Social Community Spaces)
Recycling / Waste Management.

SPACE ORGANISATION:The organisation of the required space will be left to participants but must incorporate the specified spaces in this brief.

SPECIAL CONDITIONS: There is no restriction in terms of size, program or space distribution, however the proposal must be within the specified plot and include any specified space in the program and uses section above.

COMMENTARY: It is the organiser's intention that participants are free to make the decision on the ratio, size, allocation and design layout of the Arcology Skyscraper proposed. Participants are free to distribute the required spaces within the Arcology according to their design to allow their ideas to shine through. This is only an ideas competition to investigate and challenge skyscraper design within a specific site context. However exciting and challenging the creative opportunity presented with such loose parameters, it is important that proposals include the specified spaces in the brief. Participants are free to added other spaces to the program according to their vision for an Arcology skyscraper with today's architecture practice and social expectations or that of the future.




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