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Visionary (re)Generation

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Visionary (re)Generation
Drukować 2013-01-03 19:46  

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Data końca rejestracji: 11/03/2013
Termin składania prac: 11/03/2013
Data zakończenia: 13/10/2013
Miasto: Winnipeg
Kraj: Kanada

Visionary (re)Generation is an open international design competition that will invite some of the world's most accomplished urban thinkers to re-imagine the University of Manitoba's Fort Garry campus. It's a once-in-a-generation chance to transform a university -- our university -- into a place like no other that enriches the daily lives of all who learn here, work here, play here or call it home.

Competition Overview

On December 6, 2012, designers from across the globe began to officially register for the University of Manitoba's Visionary (re)Generation Open International Design Competition, opening the door to the creation of a new Fort Garry Campus Plan.

Focused on innovative and sustainable design, this international competition will conclude with the announcement of a winner in October 2013.

Competing teams will be tasked with developing an overall vision and urban design strategy that incorporates the guiding principles and design objectives established through an extensive consultation process with University and community stakeholders.

Up to seven selected finalist teams will advance to a second, more detailed design phase of the competition to refine their vision for a sustainable campus community. Each team will receive an honorarium to fully develop their concept and vision. The top four finalists will receive an additional prize.

The winning team will be responsible for three tasks. First is a campus plan that identifies a physical planning and design framework to guide the future growth and development of the campus.

Second is a conceptual plan for the 49-hectare (120-acre) Southwood Precinct, formerly home to the Southwood Golf and Country Club. This plan will illustrate opportunities for residential and mixed-use retail and hospitality space, while preserving many of the site's existing mature trees.

And finally, the winner will create a phase one site plan for eight hectares (20 acres) of the Southwood Precinct. This plan will include the conceptualization and siting of the first demonstration project, which will consist of mixed-use, multi-generational residential development and public spaces that accommodate both students and the wider community, as well as supporting amenities.




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