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Open Design Competition

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Open Design Competition
Drukować 2012-12-20 11:06  

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Data końca rejestracji: 02/03/2013
Termin składania prac: 03/02/2013
Miasto: Beer Sheba
Kraj: Izrael
Design of a day care center in Beer Sheba, Israel, for adults with developmental intellectual disabilities

The ZEZEZE ARCHITECTURE GALLERY is announcing an open design competition for the design of a day care center for adults with developmental intellectual disabilities, to be established in the city of Beer Sheba. This is an open two-stage international competition, and the winner will be invited to enter into agreement with the city of Beer Sheba for the design of the center. The competition is held on behalf of the Beer Sheba municipality and the Shalem Fund, and managed by the ZEZEZE ARCHITECTURE GALLERY.

The design of a new day care center in the city of Beer Sheba, for adults with developmental intellectual disabilities.

The new day care center will be located in the 11th neighborhood, and upon completion will provide services to 80 adults with developmental intellectual disabilities.

The center will be developed in three phases. The first phase includes lot development and a 700 square meter facility, providing services to 32 residents. The projected budget for the first phase is 8.6 million NIS (USD2.2M). The second and third development phases include additions of 830 square meters to the center.

This is a two-stage, open international competition.

The first stage is a open and anonymous, participation is open without limitation. Individuals and groups are allowed. Three winning proposals will be selected from submissions received in this stage.

In the second stage, participants will be asked to further develop their proposals and present them to the competition jury. One proposal will be selected and the winning team invited to complete the center's design.

First stage is open to without limitation. During the second stage participants will be asked to present suitable professional accreditation to complete the design task (additions to the design team will be possible at this stage, as detailed in the competition regulations).

The first stage opens 4/11/2012,
submissions deadline is 3/2/2013.
Winners will be announced 17/2/2013.
The second stage will immediately follow the first stage.
Winners will be announced 26/5/2013.


Registration fees are NIS350-600. Students and young architects (under 35) are eligible for discounted fees.

Winners selected in the first stage will receive each NIS25,000 (+VAT).
The winning team selected in the second stage will be invited to enter into agreement with the Beer Sheba municipality for the design of the center.

The 11 members of the jury represent the Beer Sheba municipality (4), organizations supporting the project (3), residents' families representative (1), independent architects and designers (3).

The competition is held by the city of Beer Sheba and the Shalem Fund.
The competition is managed by the ZEZEZE ARCHITECTURE GALLERY.

For questions and additional information



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