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San Marco Award 2012/2013

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San Marco Award 2012/2013
Drukować 2012-12-20 11:04  

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Data końca rejestracji: 30/01/2013
Termin składania prac: 30/01/2013
Data zakończenia: 28/02/2013
Kraj: Włochy

The competition is also open to participants from the academic world, specifically to new graduates, who may submit their Baccalaureate or Masters thesis projects, and to university faculty, who may submit projects resulting from courses, workshops and masters programmes.

Announcing the second edition of the "San Marco Award 2012/2013" competition, whose aim is to promote, explore and underscore the role played by colour in architecture and the environment.

The competition, organised by Colorificio San Marco SpA, market leader in the paint and varnish for the construction industry sector in Italy, with the support of the National Council of Architects, Planners, Landscapers and Conservationists for the coordination and management of the technical aspects and Europaconcorsi as media partner - is intended for architects, who may submit designs of projects, realized or not, including those submitted for other competitions.

The designs submitted by Architects and Universities in the "Colour and the contemporary city" category must illustrate how colour interventions can resolve architectural problems without radical changes, and be in compliance with environmental sustainability standards, and how colour
can be used to regenerate and revitalize parts of the city, degraded buildings, abandoned factories and piazzas and public spaces, and to recover a sense of sociality, identity of places and a more human relation between the built-up areas and the city.

The "Colour and History" section - also open to both Architects and Universities - includes restorations of individual buildings, public or private - not necessarily of official landmark status - in which colour has restored an appropriate historical or artistic value to the facades. The colour scheme must be an integral part of a methodology of architectural quality, designed to restore dignity of composition and underscore the cultural values of architecture.

The winners of the San Marco Award 2012/2013 will be announced at the end of February 2013 by the jury panel, chaired by Leopoldo Freyrie,
President of the National Council of Architects, and coordinated by Alessandro Marata, President of the Department of the Environment and
Sustainability of the same National Council of Architects. Jury panel members include Alessandrina Tamburini, founder and honorary President of the Colorificio San Marco; Marina Fumo, of the Department of Urban Studies and Design of the Federico II University of Naples; Massimo Iosa Ghini, designer and architect, and Rossana Galdini, of the Department of Urban Sociology of the La Sapienza University of Rome.




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