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Erotic Architecture

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Erotic Architecture
Drukować 2012-12-06 10:45  

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Data końca rejestracji: 20/01/2013
Termin składania prac: 20/01/2013
Data zakończenia: 02/03/2013


Erotic and Architecture are not two words often used together. That does not mean they should not be, so we welcome you to change your usual perception of space and look around yourself to find buildings, constructions, bridges and other places and spaces that arose erotic associations.
By Erotic Architecture we don't mean only obvious suggestive forms resembling human body parts. We would like to see work presenting combinations of spatial qualities, materials, rhythms and atmospheres witch in their unique combination could be considered erotic.
Photos with human interaction are allowed nevertheless the architecture should be playing primary role in the composition.
As we all have subjective associations, this is first competition where we allow our readers to vote on their favourite photograph and pick the "readers favourite". The invited judges will pick the other winner.
We understand that the line between erotic and pornographic material may be thin to some therefore before photograph is published we reserve the right to decide on each entry separately.
This is an international architectural competition and it is open for all!
Submission requirements:

You are allowed to upload one photograph (not less than 1500px on the longest side)

Winning participants will share the prize pool, total of US$ 1,000
Readers Favorite (most votes)
Prize: US$ 500
Jury Favorite
Prize: US$ 500
+ Winners will be published in international art and design media as well as on the Homemade Dessert website and our official media sponsor - IN THE RED Magazine April issue.

US$ 25

Start of competition and registration - October 10, 2012
Public Voting system open - October 10, 2012
Closing date for submissions - January 20, 2013
Public Voting system closed - February 20, 2013
Evaluation - February 20, 2013 to March 1, 2013
Announcement of winners - March 2, 2013



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