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Prague 2012 Competition

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Prague 2012 Competition
Drukować 2012-10-22 21:38  

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Data końca rejestracji: 03/01/2013
Termin składania prac: 14/01/2013
Miasto: Praga
Kraj: Czechy
Bridge-building on the Vltava River.

Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic and the largest city in the region of Bohemia. It has a privileged location in the center of Europe and is well connected with neighboring countries, making it one of the most popular destinations on the continent. But like any growing city is lacking housing units and this situation is still of great concern to planners and the City Council of Prague.

It is for this situation that this time ARQUITECTUM has been convened by the City Council of Prague for the International Competition "PRAGUE: BRIDGE-BUILDING ON THE VLTAVA RIVER" which aims to provide an answer to the housing problem in a creative way and using a theme present throughout the city: it's beautiful bridges this time with the intention of connecting the Smichov and Podolí districts and use these structures as housing or supports which called BRIDGE-BUILDING.

1st Prize:
-Two plane tickets to Prague, to attend the award ceremony and exhibition of the contest, to take place in April 2013.
-Accommodations for two nights in Prague.
-An appearance on the German design magazine "Wettbewerbe Aktuell" ( on the PRAGUE 2012 Contest, and particularly of the winning projects.
-An appearance on the edition of Latin American architecture magazine "ARQ•: procesos" on the PRAGUE 2012 Contest, and particularly of the winning projects.
-An appearance in the Spanish magazine of architectural contests "FUTURE" (".



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