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Museum of Underwater Antiquities

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Museum of Underwater Antiquities
Drukować 2012-07-16 10:16  

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Data końca rejestracji: 06/08/2012
Termin składania prac: 23/10/2012
Data zakończenia: 04/12/2012
Miasto: Ateny
Kraj: Grecja

The architectural design of the Cultural Coast of the port of Piraeus is part of the strategy for the design of a new landmark for the city and the port of Piraeus, with main reference to the culture, quality tourism and sustainability as well. 
The competition task is: 
The design of a unique, for Greece, Museum of Underwater Antiquities. 
The design of an urban open public space with identity, in the center of the port, a core of education, art and recreation. A space connected with the urban fabric and its citizens.

1. The competition for the SILO aims to fill the absence of such a kind of thematic museum, for the country; a country with a unique, in quantity and in time, maritime life. Aims also to present to the public, parts of its history by exhibiting a multitude of important findings that are either scattered in various museums or stored devoid of potential exposure.
The premises of the new museum will be housed in an emblematic industrial building, for the port and Piraeus of 30s. Until recently, the building complex operated as a transit cereal stock house (SILO).
The building's proximity to the sea, its history and its role for the port, its distinctive architectural characteristics make this space ideal for its conversion into a Museum of Underwater Antiquities.

2. The aims of the competition for the regeneration of Coastal Environmental Area of Ietinoia Coast are as follows:
To give a new quality in the public space and to upgrade the outdoor activities of residence by creating innovative spaces and cultural and entertainment facilities that are currently missing from the waterfront of the city.
To change the current perception for the port area -isolated from everyday life- with its transformation into an attractive and unique space, bringing culture in everyday life, not only for near around residents but for a numerous visitors (tourists, cruise tourists, residents of further surrounding areas).
To promote the implementation of modern and pioneering way by creating sustainable conditions throughout the Cultural Coast and to promote the port of Piraeus as a model of sustainable design. 
The under study area includes all outdoor, public, coastal area of the Cultural Coast, south of Kekropos Avenue. Developing in two distinct successive phases having in mind the restrictions and data, for the parallel and without obstacles function of the port, which will be presented by the candidates in two corresponding proposals.

3. The importance of the Museum as one of the few worldwide monothematic museums and its unique-specialized character, the neighboring and direct building with the wider open space of the Cultural Coast of P.P.A., as well as the will for upgrading all of this public space lead to a common response Designing of the Museum and of the surrounding open space- and to tender a uniform Architectural Competition (Outlline Design).

4. Upon completion of the tender and the final selection of the most imaginative architectural solution through the participation of an important, we believe, number of architects, the new Museum of Underwater Antiquities, along with the surrounding area of the Cultural Coast, will become the new landmark of the area and will place Piraeus in the list with the most important and meaningful visit ports of the world.



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