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Central Glass International Architectural Design Competition

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Central Glass International Architectural Design Competition
Drukować 2012-07-16 10:15  

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Data końca rejestracji: 06/08/2012
Termin składania prac: 06/08/2012
Miasto: Tokio
Kraj: Japonia
Theme of competiotion - Town Hall in a Regional Environment

The role of the town hall is changing. Instead of functioning simply as a public space, the town hall is now expected to serve as a center for new kinds of activities. This is especially true in communities that have begun to show signs of decline, amid concerns about declining birth rates, aging populations, and the weakening social fabric in local neighborhoods. In such communities, a town hall should be more than a center for public services where people gather only when they need to attend to their affairs. It should be a place that offers something new and stimulating to residents. It should provide a sense of joy and richness in everyday life, and if possible become a place to make people proud of their community. In growing communities, it should be a place where new traditions can be built up.

As part of the process of modernization, town halls with similar programs and stereotyped designs were built in every region, differing only in scale. But today there is renewed awareness of historical differences between the social environments of different regions and of regional traditions and cultures. More thought is being devoted to protecting and fostering distinctive local cultures and environments. To enable this, the architecture of a town hall should convey to residents a sense of the traditions of their region and be a familiar source of pride. It should be a hall for that town only, different from halls in other towns.

In the event of a natural disaster or other emergency, a town hall should also be a vehicle for conveying prompt and accurate information to residents, and if necessary be available as a safe refuge.

A recent requirement for architecture of all kinds, and especially public architecture, is sustainability. But rather than being a model of how green architecture can satisfy various environmental conditions, a town hall needs leeway. In a sense, it should be tough architecture than can thrive on punishment. Sustainability is not a goal but a precondition.

You are invited to submit proposals taking the above into consideration, choosing the scale and location freely. We look forward to entries that imagine a specific regional environment and a town hall that participates in the life of that region.
About competition

We have been sponsoring the Central Glass International Architectural Design Competition every year since 1966.
Judged by architects renowned for expertise in their field, the competition has sparked interest among students who aspire to be architects as well as among professionals working both at architectural firms and in the design divisions of general contractors.

The competition became an international event in 1976, when overseas entries were first invited. We wish this competition will be an opportunity to think of desirable society and environment at the present day in which pursuit of economic efficiency and rationality as well as preservation of natural environment and conservation of historic and traditional culture is required.



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