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Space Prize for International Students of Architecture Desig

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Space Prize for International Students of Architecture Desig
Drukować 2012-05-28 10:51  

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Data końca rejestracji: 07/09/2012
Termin składania prac: 26/09/2012
Kraj: Korea Południowa

SPACE announced the 2012 opening of the 30th SPACE PRIZE for International Students of Architectural Design (SPACE PRIZE 2012). For its 30th anniversary, Ben van Berkel of UNStudio is invited as a judge for the competition, with the topic ‘Designing for the Inventive Economy'.

Architecture, whilst enjoying a beautiful and rich history, must of course also look towards and design for the future. What can the profession learn from the burgeoning companies and how they are organised? So how can we instrumentalise the systematic aspect of these organisations and adapt them to create an apparatus for architecture? And what will this apparatus mean for the production of architecture in the future?

SPACE PRIZE 2012 will have an open presentation for final judging and award ceremony on Oct. 31st, 2012. The finalists will be on exhibition during Oct. 31st - Nov. 7th, 2012.

Space Prize for International Students of Architecture Design' has encouraged architecture students in creative architecture designs, while providing them with an arena for productive exchanges among them. In short, the prize has served to cultivate the soil for future architecture in Korea, Before it, the ‘Space Prize' had celebrated excellent art and music works, and beginning from 1983, it was expanded to cover the discipline of architecture design.




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