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Innovative Bioclimatic European School complex in Crete – Greece

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Innovative Bioclimatic European School complex in Crete – Greece
Drukować 2012-05-15 22:26  

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Data końca rejestracji: 31/05/2012
Termin składania prac: 31/10/2012
Miasto: Kreta
Kraj: Grecja

The Competition is organised by the School Buildings Organisation of Greece (SBO) in association with the International Union of Architects (UIA), through its UIA-ARES International Work Programme and aims to elect the optimum design for a bioclimatic and contemporary European school complex in Crete.

Amazing Crete, the southernmost part of the EU, cradle of the European civilisation, with a rich modern history, excellent climatic conditions and a particularly fertile soil and motherland of the world's healthiest diet, is also the headquarters of ENISA. The European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) thus contributes -with its' presence in the city of Heraklion since 2005- to the island's multicultural character.
Competition Calendar

23 April 2012 - 
Official launch and opening of registration
30 April 2012
 - Competition guidelines and opening of questions
31 May 2012
 - Deadline for registration
29 June 2012 
- Deadline for questions
30 July 2012 
- Release of all answers
31 October 2012
 - Deadline for dispatch of entries by post or courier service (proof by stamp) or delivery in person
16 November 2012
 - Deadline for receipt of dispatched entries (postal stamp no later than 31 October 2012)
17-19 December 2012
 - Jury meeting
21 December 2012 - 
Announcement of results
February 2013
Exhibition of entries - "Athens Forum"

A total of 70.000 Euros will be shared between the winners selected by the Jury, as follows:

1st prize - €30.000 and the right to design the school,
2nd prize - €20.000,
3rd prize - €10.000,
Two honorable mentions - €5.000 each




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