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International Gastronomic Center – competition for architecture students

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International Gastronomic Center – competition for architecture students
Drukować 2013-04-18 18:45  

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Data końca rejestracji: 24/05/2013
Termin składania prac: 14/06/2013
Data zakończenia: 15/07/2013
Miasto: Bruksela
Kraj: Belgia

The objective of the current International Gastronomic Center competition for architecture students is the creation of a space for cultural exchange through gastronomy.

In this spirit, the International Gastronomic Center (IGC) will be a space for chefs from all around the world to exchange knowledge and share their experience in order to promote gastronomic research and for their own personal and professional enrichment.

Coming to the IGC will be an intense personal and professional experience for the chefs, because during their four-month stay they will have the opportunity to live in the centre itself and become part of a genuine idea factory that includes spaces dedicated to gastronomic training and research, as well as others promoting creativity, which will facilitate the free exchange of knowledge and encourage experimentation.

In addition, because another objective of the IGC is to provide a great deal of gastronomic activity to the city, it is essential to maintain good relations with it by providing spaces open to the public, courses and conferences and numerous activities that will completely integrate it into the city's life.



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