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IOC/IPC/IAKS Architecture and Design Award for Students and Young Professionals

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IOC/IPC/IAKS Architecture and Design Award for Students and Young Professionals
Drukować 2013-03-25 10:12  

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Data końca rejestracji: 30/04/2013
Termin składania prac: 30/04/2013
Miasto: Köln
Kraj: Niemcy
The IOC, the IPC and the IAKS have started the 2013 Architecture and Design Award for Students and Young Professionals on innovative designs and concepts for sports, leisure and recreational facilities.

The three organizations call on young architects and designers to dedicate their enthusiasm and imagination to the creation of areas and spaces for active living.

Eligible to enter the competition is any kind of design work which focuses on the creation of spaces and areas to be used for sports and leisure activities in the broadest sense. It is provided that the design concept targets on encouraging sports practice among young people. By bringing sport to young people where they are, the project should aim at creating a high sports legacy.

The closing date for entries will be 30 April 2013.



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