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PARK’ing: for making up the design of the urban ecological object

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PARK’ing: for making up the design of the urban ecological object
Drukować 2013-03-06 17:44  

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Data końca rejestracji: 23/04/2013
Termin składania prac: 23/04/2013
Miasto: Jarolavl
Kraj: Rosja
The task of the competition is to create these »parks» (‘PARK'ing' places)- the urban objects for communication of citizens (families, youth, integration of different social and age groups).

Contestants have the unique opportunity to have a public dialogue with the historical heritage of the 1000 years old Yaroslavl, to construct a bright and functional object and to express in it the unique artistic credo of an author.

A professional jury will choose 3 winning projects, and 1 project of land art which will be out-of-competition. All projects will be realized in June 2013.

Objects will be located in the historical center of the city - on the Tchaikovsky boulevard - the purlieu of townspeople. The process of construction will be an important and a spectacular part of the project. All inhabitants of Yaroslavl and a wide audience from around the world will be able to watch the construction process of the objects by the Internet reviews. Authors may participate in the construction process.

We invite to participate: architects, architectural students of higher educational institutions, artists, designers and other professionals. Age and graduation of the participants are not regulated. Creative teams can participate as well as independent authors.

The closing date of the competition: April 23, 2013 (inclusive).
Mail your projects to:
The number of projects from one author is not limited.
The jury will include professionals and representatives of the city administration.




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