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Hong Kong arcology skyscraper design competition

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Hong Kong arcology skyscraper design competition
Drukować 2013-02-25 10:45  

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Data końca rejestracji: 12/04/2013
Termin składania prac: 15/04/2013
Miasto: Hong Kong
Kraj: Chiny
The program challenges participants to design a NEW Urban Arcology Skyscraper in Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong, China.

The design should create a new iconic Arcology skyscraper in the city. The overall goal of this arcology is to offer an efficient alternative to the waste and hyper consumption of current lifestyles and introduce a more energy efficient, environmental friendly and intelligent city design. The Arcology would have to distinguished itself from a merely large building in that it is supposed to sustainably supply all or most of the resources for a comfortable life: power, climate control, some food production, air and water purification, sewage treatment, etc.

Awards - US $6,000 Total
Fees - US $80
Competition Language - English
Website -




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