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Début Award

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Début Award
Drukować 2013-02-25 10:42  

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Data końca rejestracji: 21/06/2013
Termin składania prac: 21/06/2013
Miasto: Lisbona
Kraj: Portugalia
For the first time, the Lisbon Architecture Triennale is presenting a Début award to a young architect or practice to celebrate their achievements and to encourage their career.

Any office with an average age under 35 is eligible for this award and international entrants are welcome. In addition to applications, a shortlist of
candidates will nominated by over 50 influential Portuguese and international figures. All candidates, either nominated or applying, will have to submit the same materials based on which they will be evaluated. The winner will be selected by the curatorial team and an expert nominated by the Triennale Board, from a shortlist created by over 50 influential Portuguese and international nominators. The prize is €5000 and a shortlist of 10 will be given commendations.

For the first time, the Lisbon Architecture Triennale is presenting a Début award to a young architect or practice to celebrate their achievements and to encourage their career. Any office with an average age under 35 is eligible for this award and international entrants are welcome. In addition to applications, a shortlist of candidates will nominated by over 50 influential Portuguese and international figures. All candidates, either nominated or applying, will have to submit the same materials based on which they will be evaluated. The winner will be selected by the curatorial
team and an expert nominated by the Triennale Board, from a shortlist created by over 50 influential Portuguese and international nominators. The prize is €5000 and a shortlist of 10 will be given commendations.
Deadline for applications: 21 June 2013

Download Guidelines

Debut Award_ENG.pdf 869,57 kB



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