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Arch-Photography Competition - EDITED ARCHITECTURES

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Arch-Photography Competition - EDITED ARCHITECTURES
Drukować 2013-02-13 18:55  

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Data końca rejestracji: 10/05/2013
Termin składania prac: 15/05/2013
Miasto: Konkurs międzynarodowy

Categories: - International
Type: (i.e. Open, Closed ) - Open
Registration Deadline (MM/DD/YYYY): - 05/10/2013
Submission Deadline (MM/DD/YYYY): - 05/15/2013
Open To: (i.e. All, Students) - ALL
Awards: - US$ 1000


Homemade Dessert invites you to think critically about a space that has been re-purposed, the architecture or environment transformed from its original function to accommodate a new set of programmes or uses.

Even the most successful of spaces can be subject to change over time, in relation to advancements in technologies, or evolving political, social and economic patterns. Physical transformations might be enacted as a result of rezoning strategies, growing populations of users, ageing structural systems, the influence of neighbouring elements, or, as we have seen become a more powerful agent of transformation in recent years, the effects of changing climatic conditions.

The space can be of any scale. Submissions might range in focus from the idiosyncratic (and perhaps inexplicable) alterations to a space by an individual, to the mass overhaul of urban centres or infrastructural systems.

Submitted photographs' composition must present the narrative without additional explanations necessary.

This is an international architectural photography competition and it is open for all.

Submission requirements

You are allowed to upload one photograph per registration (not less than 1500 pixels on the shortest side).

Digital alterations

Minor alterations are allowed.

Judging criteria

Composition (20%), technical execution (20%) and narrative (60%).

Find out more:



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