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London Vauxhall the Missing Link Competition

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London Vauxhall the Missing Link Competition
Drukować 2013-02-12 22:03  

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Data końca rejestracji: 07/03/2013
Termin składania prac: 12/03/2013
Miasto: Londyn
Kraj: Wielka Brytania

The competition is open (internationally) to registered architects, landscape designers and architects, urban designers and students of these disciplines. Multi-disciplinary design teams are encouraged. Architects should be registered with the Architects Registration Board (ARB) in the UK, or a recognised overseas regulatory authority.

No member or employee of the promoting body, the jury panel, nor any partner, close associate or employee of them shall be eligible to compete or assist a competitor.


The competition is a call for ideas and whilst there is no firm commitment to develop the winning scheme post-competition, it is anticipated that funds may become available to implement the winning scheme.

How to Register / Enter

You may only submit an entry to the competition if you are officially registered through RIBA Competitions. The competition is subject to a non-refundable registration and administration fee of £50.00 + VAT for design professionals and £10.00 + VAT for design students. Please visit RIBA Competitions and follow the appropriate link under 'Live Competitions' to make an on-line payment.

Declaration of Authorship and Acceptance of Competition Regulations

Once your payment has been processed, you will be issued with a unique registration number, a Declaration Form and a DWG site plan. The declaration form acknowledges authorship of the design ideas submitted and by signing it, competitors agree to abide by the competition conditions and the decision of the jury panel. The completed Declaration Form should be placed in a sealed envelope to accompany the design material and should clearly bear the unique registration number in the top right hand corner of both the form and the envelope.

The declaration form must accompany the design submission - see Anonymity and Stage 1 Submission Requirements.



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