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Green Line Ideas Competition

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Green Line Ideas Competition
Drukować 2013-01-14 22:26  

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Data końca rejestracji: 04/02/2013
Termin składania prac: 04/02/2013
Miasto: Toronto
Kraj: Kanada

Architects, landscape architects, designers, planners, artists and community members are invited to create visionary design proposals for the public use of an overhead transmission line corridor (a.k.a. hydro corridor) in midtown Toronto. We encourage bold ideas and practical solutions to address important issues such as alternative transportation and safety concerns. Multi-disciplinary teams are encouraged.

This design competition aims to demonstrate the potential of the particular hydro corridor site and also to foster a discussion on public use of other similar spaces in North American cities. Imagine the electricity infrastructure as a Green Line -- a pedestrian and cycling link across the middle of the city and a public space and recreational amenity to the many neighbourhoods across Toronto that it links.

About the Green Line Ideas Competition

This is an open, international ideas competition whose purpose is to gather a range of possibilities for the Green Line site in order to stimulate dialogue and action. The ideas will not be built, but they are meant to get the communities who live, study and work near the site to start thinking about its future. Also, the intent is to demonstrate the value of creating a unified vision along the length of the entire hydro corridor, rather than to have this space develop in a piecemeal way.
The competition results will be showcased in Spacing, an online and print magazine that reaches a wide and diverse audience interested in urban issues across Canada. Also, we intend to exhibit a selection of the competition entries along the Green Line site itself.

What is the Green Line?

The Green Line is an overhead transmission line, or hydro corridor as they are known in Canada, in midtown Toronto that is more than 5km (3 miles) long. It passes through a wide range of neighbourhoods, from Davenport Village to the Annex. The Green Line is already well used by local residents. It has splash pads, sports fields, allotment gardens, parking lots and children's playgrounds, but the spaces are mostly in poor condition and the corridor does not currently provide a continuous physical connection due to grade changes and fencing.
The Green Line crosses interesting and varied territory: the western end starts at Earlscourt Park and moves diagonally through a residential area where it follows Geary Avenue home to an indoor parkour gym, a costume rental warehouse, a karaoke bar, music and photography studios, autobody shops, bakeries, boarded up Victorian storefronts and a former factory now home to many creative industries. For the remainder of its length the Green Line runs parallel to Dupont Street immediately north of the Canada Pacific company's rail line. The east end of the line, where much of the space is used for paid parking, passes social housing, new condos, George Brown College, a great view of historic home Casa Loma, the Toronto Archives and the Tarragon Theatre.
The Green Line Ideas Competition site is in Toronto, Ontario, Canada but a corridor of overhead transmission lines can be found running through many urban centres in North America. Therefore, the site and competition could be seen as a case study for this condition.
Competition objectives

There are two Green Line competition streams: the Green Line Vision and the Green Line Underpass Solution. See below for the competition objectives of each:
Competition A - Green Line Vision

We challenge competitors to create compelling visions for the public use of more than five kilometres of transmission line corridor (see Map A for the extents). This open, one-stage competition seeks to identify proposals for the public use of the Green Line that:
• Define a comprehensive vision for the Green Line across its varied territory;
• Identify design solutions to the challenge of providing a safe and continuous pedestrian and cycle connection across the full length of the Green Line. Suggestions for tying into Toronto's cycling network would be welcomed;
• The Green Line should be considered as both a series of community spaces and a physical and psychological link across the city;
• As this corridor runs through neighbourhoods with low provision of park space, competitors are asked to consider how to make the most of the corridor space seven days a week throughout the year;
• Designs are encouraged to be sustainable and to provide a framework for different sections to be implemented over time.
Competition B - Green Line Underpass Solution

We ask competitors to propose a re-design for the intersection and railway underpass (also known as a "subway") at Dovercourt Road between Dupont Street and Geary Avenue. This open, one-stage competition seeks solutions that:

• Provide a detailed design to improve pedestrian, cyclist and car-users' safety and mobility;
• Make an improved physical, visual and/or psychological connection for the Green Line;
• Create a design for this location that may also serve as a model for the other eight underpasses along the Green Line (circled in Map B);
• Designs for Competition B should be realistic and implementable. Solutions that can be realized for a modest budget may be preferred.



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