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International design competition «Home gardening»

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International design competition «Home gardening»
Drukować 2012-12-12 11:53  

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Data końca rejestracji: 31/12/2012
Termin składania prac: 31/12/2012
Data zakończenia: 18/01/2013
Kraj: Włochy
It is an international competition open to Italian and foreign architects, designers, university students, engineers and creative individuals, aimed at the development and creation of simple or complex products that may express the modern and international character of its promoters.

Developing new scenarios is a vital and necessary requirement for the whole industrial and national territorial system, that cannot be limited simply to dealing with the present but it must recreate the reasons for its growth by updating personal heritage of ideas on a daily basis in order to find its position on the market where not only products are sold but also solutions that belong to the sphere of communication of ideas, feelings and passions.

The opportunity offered to designers is to allow them to become a part of the entrepreneurial reality of the local production system and collaborate within the B4B LAB laboratory in order to develop the most interesting design projects.

Participants have to elaborate real "creative strategies" that not only take into consideration the "aesthetic" project but most of all, and most importantly, the aspects of functionality and communication related to the product, interaction with the end user, optimisation of production and distribution technologies and processes.




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