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Cambodian sustainable housing

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Cambodian sustainable housing
Drukować 2012-11-22 21:53  

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Data końca rejestracji: 15/12/2012
Termin składania prac: 15/01/2013
Kraj: Kambodża
In partnership with Karuna Cambodia, Habitat for Humanity & the Cambodian Society of Architects (CSA) we are looking for designs that can provide a sustainable future for housing in the South-east Asian country.

Any proposal will have to keep below a budget of $2000 and deal with the yearly flooding that effects most residential areas. The winning design will be built by Habitat for Humanity Cambodia and will influence the way they build housing in the region. This competition is a real chance to make a difference to a large group of working Cambodians lives. We are in discussion with other charitable organisations working in the region and hope that through the project we can raise the standards and create a sustainable agenda for future development. Although the competition only asks for a house design the implications of the project are great. This competition represents a real chance to make a difference and challenge a host of issues that relate to the environment, flooding, living standards and the construction process.




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