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2012 Cleveland Design Competition: Transforming The Bridge

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2012 Cleveland Design Competition: Transforming The Bridge
Drukować 2012-09-05 22:19  

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Data końca rejestracji: 24/09/2012
Termin składania prac: 05/10/2012
Miasto: USA
Kraj: Cleveland
Professionals, students, firms and designers are invited to re-imagine the abandoned lower streetcar level of the Detroit-Superior Bridge as a dynamic public space, performance venue and pedestrian experience.

At the beginning of 2012, a group of local designers and business leaders launched an initiative called "The Bridge Project" to raise public awareness about the potential of The Bridge and to engage the community for input on opening the lower level for public use. The Cleveland Design Competition has partnered with The Bridge Project to engage designers to propose compelling visions for the permanent use of The Bridge, public access into and passage through the lower level of The Bridge, and connectivity to surrounding neighborhoods.



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