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MOBILIciTY - Tirana Multimodal Station

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MOBILIciTY - Tirana Multimodal Station
Drukować 2012-06-21 22:55  

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Data końca rejestracji: 30/06/2012
Termin składania prac: 15/07/2012
Data zakończenia: 15/09/2012
Miasto: Tirana
Kraj: Albania

The project for the new Intermodal Train Station in Tirana intends to meet the requirement for an overall renewal of the city, in terms of comprehensive revision of the rail and road mobility. The new pole is intended to become the hub of exchanges and therefore to have the ability of connecting both the urban areas and the areas outside the city, in compatibility with the existing railway network. This is why the municipality of Tirana intends to collect all around the world ideas that could respond to the new needs introduced by the city's current expansion. New ideas to reinterpret existing mobility systems and the relationship between the machines and men.

The presence of such an influential new core within the current urban tissue requires strategic choices that encompass great responsibility, both in terms of reorganization of a major road and railway receptivity. Unlike many European capital cities, where the presence of the railway station already weighs heavily on the central urban contexts, the competition site is located in a completion area, far away from the city centre. One of the problems that the new intermodal system should take into account is the connection with the heart of the city. By establishing easier connections to the main activities and services in the existing urban fabric, the use of new infrastructure at different times of the day will be further improved. The new intermodal centre will not only meet the standard requirements of railway stations, but it will also offer a viable alternative in respect to a functional mix that can best interpret the constant changes taking place in a city like Tirana.

In this context, the dual character that has characterized this topic for centuries becomes a design research tool aimed at finding new ideas that give an answer to this emblematic coexistence. Urban space tends to increasingly metabolize the railway system, which becomes one of the main characters of a mobile city.

Now, after more than a century and a half characterized by a complex relationship, the city has "metabolized" the foreign body by embedding it in its development dynamics. Therefore, now the urban railway stations are not mere infrastructures that support railway transportation, but actual social hubs of the city. In addition to the functions of exchange between different modes of transportation, urban train+public urban transportation, train+car, the contemporary train station acquires new features related to recreational activities, to large scale trade and to services and productive activities (offices). The multi-modal and multi-functional character of the railway station is declined not only in the presence of a demand for public services, but also in a sustainable system that will make the project for Mobilicity a development model for the train station of the future. Nowadays many people go across a train station in order to engage into activities that are not necessarily related to transportation.




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